Streaming in SignalR
Until this point, we have only covered the use of singular messages in SignalR. But SignalR also supports message streaming. Streaming is when, instead of sending all data at ones, you send it in chunks. Perhaps, it’s a large object that gets split into smaller parts. Or it could be Continue Reading
Sending messages to individual SignalR clients or groups of clients
SignalR hub can broadcast a message to all connected clients. But this is far from being the only way you can use SignalR. The hub allows you to send messages to individual clients. You can also group clients together and send messages to specific groups of clients. And this is Continue Reading
In-browser SignalR clients
SignalR Hub is only useful if you have clients connected to it. And in this article, you will learn how to connect in-browser clients. We will start with in-browser clients because they are slightly easier to set up than external clients. For example, you won’t have to create external applications Continue Reading
Single Sign-on user authentication on Blazor WebAssembly SignalR client
SignalR is an inbuilt ASP.NET Core library that makes it easy to create interactive real-time applications. It enables fast two-way messaging between the client and the server. Under the hood, it uses some complex logic to enable all of this. But its external APIs hide all this complexity, so using Continue Reading
Applying SOLID principles to JavaScript – a step-by-step refactoring guide
Many design patterns were developed with SOLID principles in mind. Therefore it will be hard to learn design patterns unless you know SOLID principles. But SOLID principles aren’t merely a tool to help you learn design patterns. Every software developer who uses object-oriented programming languages needs to be familiar with Continue Reading
SignalR vs gRPC on ASP.NET Core – which one to choose
My book, SignalR on .NET 6 – the complete guide, is out now! Also available in print. A while ago, when ASP.NET Core didn’t even exist, Microsoft has created a library for .NET Framework-based ASP.NET that enabled a two-way communication between the clients and a server in real time. This Continue Reading
Performance Best Practices for Using gRPC on .NET
This article is a chapter from the book Microservices Communication in .NET Using gRPC Since gRPC is often used for processing large volumes of data inside a distributed application, this communication mechanism must be optimized for the best performance. In this chapter, we will cover some best practices when it Continue Reading
Summary of the problems design patterns are intended to solve
This article is a chapter from the book The easiest way to learn design patterns This chapter summarizes which design patterns can be used to solve any specific type of a software development problem. It’s intended to be a reference guide to help you find the right design pattern quickly. Continue Reading
External SignalR clients
This article is a chapter from the book SignalR on .NET 6 – the Complete Guide In the previous chapter, we have covered the basic of using in-browser clients to connect to a SignalR hub. Even though these clients are suitable to cover a wide range of SignalR use cases, Continue Reading
The best books to learn Docker easy
Docker is a very popular containerization technology. It makes deployment of complex distributed applications easy. This is achieved by running each individual service inside an isolated environment. This isolated environment has it’s own operating system, but it’s really lightweight. Unlike a virtual machine, it only has those components that a Continue Reading
An easy way to learn design patterns in software development
Design patters is something that you will need to get familiar with as a programmer who works with object oriented languages. And this is primarily because they represent well-defined solutions to common problems. So, instead of thinking through all the details of your solution, you can simply check if any Continue Reading
How to unit test your C# code properly
Before the code your wrote can go out of the door and get released, it needs to be sufficiently tested. And unit tests are something that will validate that the smallest atomic units of your code work correctly. Of course, unit tests are limited in their scope, but they are Continue Reading
Why you need dependency inversion in C#
Knowing a programming language doesn’t make you a software developer. Absolutely every software developer who works with any object oriented language need to be familiar with SOLID principles.For those who are new to programming and doesn’t yet know what those principles are, SOLID is an acronym, which stands for the Continue Reading
Importance of interface segregation principle in C#
If you are a software developer primarily working with object-oriented programming languages, you absolutely must be familiar with SOLID principles. Nothing will help you to write clean code as much as SOLID principles would. For those who aren’t yet familiar with what SOLID principles are, here is the list: Single Continue Reading
Liskov substitution principle in C#
Every programmer who works with object-oriented programming languages absolutely must know SOLID principles, which are the following: Single responsibility principle Open-closed principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Dependency inversion principle In this article, we will cover Liskov substitution principle. I will explain why this principle is important and will Continue Reading
Why open-closed principle is important
SOLID design principles is something that every software developer must know, especially if the developer mainly uses object oriented programming paradigm. SOLID is an acronym. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, this is what it stands for: Single responsibility principle Open-closed principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Continue Reading
Why you must use single responsibility principle
Every software developer who uses object-oriented programming languages needs to be familiar with SOLID software design principles and know how to apply them in their daily job. For those who aren’t familiar with what they are, SOLID is an abbreviation that stands for the following: In this particular post, we Continue Reading
The book every software developer must read
Many software developers want to be the best they can be in their craft, but few know how to achieve it. In the age of information overload, it is very hard to figure this out. Although there are plenty of websites out there that tell you how to become a Continue Reading