Advanced SignalR configuration: fine-tuning the server-side hub and all supported client types

We have already covered all the fundamental ways of using SignalR messages. We have learned how to set up clients of all supported types, how to send messages to specific clients and how to use data streams, both client-to-server and … Continue reading Advanced SignalR configuration: fine-tuning the server-side hub and all supported client types

Single Sign-on user authentication on Blazor WebAssembly SignalR client

SignalR is an inbuilt ASP.NET Core library that makes it easy to create interactive real-time applications. It enables fast two-way messaging between the client and the server. Under the hood, it uses some complex logic to enable all of this. … Continue reading Single Sign-on user authentication on Blazor WebAssembly SignalR client

Applying SOLID principles to JavaScript – a step-by-step refactoring guide

Many design patterns were developed with SOLID principles in mind. Therefore it will be hard to learn design patterns unless you know SOLID principles. But SOLID principles aren’t merely a tool to help you learn design patterns. Every software developer … Continue reading Applying SOLID principles to JavaScript – a step-by-step refactoring guide