What to study to become a mobile app developer
Just like the software industry in general, mobile app industry is growing at a rapid pace. Instead of browsing the web by traditional means, more and more users are opting to install web-connected apps, which often provide far better users experience and allow the level of interactive use that is Continue Reading
Software design patterns explained
In order to be a successful software developer, having a detailed knowledge of a programming language is not enough. It is also essential to know best practices and techniques of writing a good software. Design patterns are the the methods of writing software without having to reinvent the wheel; therefore Continue Reading
What to study to become a web developer
Web developers are in higher demand then ever today and, because of this, the salaries in this sector are generous. This is not only driven by the web growing at exponential rate, but also by the fact that more and more enterprises are moving from desktop-based applications to centralized intranet Continue Reading
GIS: software that you use every day but have never heard of
Geographic information systems (GIS) is a type of a software capable of displaying maps and performing a variety of complex spatial computational operations. This type of software is used very widely, yet majority of people, even the IT professionals, have never heard of it. So today we will show you Continue Reading